Seasoning success with ChatGPT & a side salad of privacy

2 minute read

ChatGPT is an inviting dish

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can provide businesses with a new competitive advantage. By automating content creation and providing more personalized customer experiences, ChatGPT can help businesses save time and costs. It grants greater operational freedom and strengthens their online presence.
This advantage will be the driving force for adoption by corporate
management to gain an edge in sales automation, customer service, software coding and consumer advertising. We can expect to see even more uses emerge over time as ChatGPT’s business adoption continues growing.

It may cause food poisoning

Not everyone is ready and eager to embrace this tool. Italy banned the use of ChatGPT recently within its borders because of privacy concerns.
Currently OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, is in talks with the Italian Government to allow citizens of that European nation access this product.
Italy requires OpenAI to improve transparency, allow users to view and delete their data, and implement additional safeguards to protect minors. These proposed privacy controls by Italy’s government should be applied internationally. This must be addressed to protect ChatGPT user’s privacy and intellectual property.

What are the main ChatGPT-related privacy threats?

  1. Phishing attacks: Cybercriminals are already using ChatGPT to write more realistic phishing emails to trick more people into revealing their private information or downloading malware. Sometimes that is labeled “social engineering”. No matter the label, the danger and damage done is real.

  2. Access to sensitive data: ChatGPT already has accessed billions of Internet data points and it is growing daily. It can be used to gain access to more sensitive information by connecting previously separated data sources together to reveal private data and intellectual property such as human generated artwork, writing, and coding for example.


Today a growing number of businesses and consumers are using AI technologies for gaining a competitive advantage. We should be extremely careful about what types of information we share with ChatGPT and similar tools. This is very important if people want to integrate ChatGPT into their business operations. Now it may be impossible to put this AI genie back in the bottle due to business competition and cybercriminal threats.

Worldwide, nations should support the responsible use of ChatGPT. Government’s must step into this new arena of public use of AI tools to create a consensus for the public good. This requires that each nation forges a new coalition of the public, government, and business to create new and effective regulations for AI usage and privacy protection.
