Exploring Tomorrow’s Smart Cities and the Rise of AI Privacy

2 minute read

Now picture this: a city where technology meets urban planning, crafting a world that’s not only efficient and sustainable but also tunes into what its residents need. This isn’t just a dream anymore. I recently had the chance to witness this firsthand at the Connected Triangle Summit in Raleigh, NC, on November 9th.

This event wasn’t just another conference; it was a vibrant gathering of minds – urban planners, tech gurus, policymakers, and visionaries, all brainstorming on how to weave technology into our cityscapes.

A Hotbed of Innovative Thoughts

At this summit, ideas were flying left and right. Topics ranged from governance and cybersecurity to privacy and tech integration, all seen as vital to urban transformation. We delved into how IoT, AI, and 5G are reshaping our cities, making them more connected and efficient.

Sustainability was a hot topic too. There was a lot of buzz about how to make our cities greener and more livable, focusing on creating spaces that are tech-savvy yet environmentally friendly.

We also talked a lot about transforming transportation and infrastructure. Think electric vehicles (EVs) and smart traffic systems – all part of making cities more advanced and liveable

Generative AI: The New Frontier for Cities

Now, let’s talk about Generative AI. This tech could totally change the game for smart cities. It’s about analyzing loads of data, foreseeing trends, and coming up with solutions that make city life better.

Imagine less traffic congestion, safer roads, and smarter energy use. Generative AI can make all of this (and more) possible.

At the summit in Raleigh, I was struck by the focus on using tech for the good of the community. There was a lot of talk about Generative AI and its role in governance, cybersecurity, and privacy. Yet, I noticed something missing: a mention of ISO standards, which are crucial for setting privacy safeguards in AI and Machine Learning for Smart Cities.

I believe the Smart Cities Privacy ISO/IEC TS 27570:2021 standard could be a key player here. Though this ISO is not specific to AI it can serve as a foundation to act as a bridge until new formal standards emerge and are accepted.

Here’s a chart of ISO 27570 supporting standards to show you what I mean.

Wrapping It Up: What’s Next for Our Cities?

The Raleigh summit was a melting pot of ideas from city, industry, business, and academic leaders, all focused on making our region smarter and more connected. We looked at how AI and innovative technologies can build sustainable smart cities.

But it was more than just a status update on smart cities; it was a peek into the future. Discussions and demos of Generative AI showed us what’s possible and what’s coming. This tech isn’t just about innovation; it’s about building cities that are sustainable, focused on their citizens, and ready for the future. This is a future I hope for my children and their children’s lives. Let us all work toward this brighter tomorrow in hope for them
